
Follow The Leader
_5 to 60 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlo...

We read in the sacred records, that when man was created, he ...

A game which is often played on shipboard can be modified for...

The Dreamer
If a maid wishes to know whom she is to marry, if a man of we...

The Umpires
The umpires are the sole judges of fair and unfair play, and ...

The Cushion Dance
The children first of all divide themselves into two parties....

Zigzag Overhead Toss
_20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom....

Feather Tests
To foretell complexion of future mate, select three soft fluf...


A Day In The Woods
Stretching--Reach up high. Take your coat and hat. Leg movement--Walk quickly (skip) to the woods. (Each two rows walk around one row of desks.) Head exercise--Look up at the bright autumn leave...

The Circus
All ready for the big circus parade. Choose what you want to do or be in the parade. Now we are at the circus grounds. The band marches around the tent. Choose the instrument you want to play. See the big, big elep...

Moving Day
Two adjacent rows, play together. The first of May is moving day. The seats are houses. One player is chosen to be "It" and he walks up and down the street between the two rows. At a signal, the residents along the...

Old Hen And Chickens
Choose a leader to be the old hen, who goes out of the room. All the others sit at their seats, heads bowed on the desk. Touch four on the head. Immediately they become little chickens. The old hen is recalled and ...

Good Morning Game
One child is chosen as leader. He stands in front of class facing the blackboard; the teacher steps lightly down among children and touches a pupil on the head who says to the leader "Good Morning John Brown." The ...

Birds Learning To Fly
Mother bird and little birds all stretch wings. Look up at the pretty blue sky. Fly around lightly. Tuck wings under and hop. Drink from the pretty brook. Stretch wings ready to fly back home. Tired, breathe, raise...

Let us go for a spin in the park. Stoop, crank your automobile. Step into the machine. Ride around the track; blow your horn. Pump up your flat tire. Bend and stretch arms upward to rest them. Ride home. Breathe in...

A Day At The Beach
Run down to the beach, one row at a time. Stoop, gather a handful of stones. Raise hand, high, throw stones out into the sea. Now dig a well with your shovel. Put shovel down hard, throw sand over shoulder. See the...